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The average delay in diagnosis in the United States has reached an astounding 11.7 years, with rates remaining high internationally, with a delay of 8 years in the United Kingdom and 6.7 years in Norway. *

 *EndoStats - Endometriosis Awareness.

What is Endometriosis?

A disease characterized by the presence of endometrium-like tissue at sites outside the uterus, and it often induces a chronic inflammatory reaction, scar tissue, and adhesions that may distort a woman’s pelvic anatomy

*Though classically referred to as a ‘disease of women,’ endometriosis can impact all bodies; menstruators and non-menstruators alike including rare cis males and trans-identified, gender non-conforming individuals.
Endometriosis - Ask the Doctor Series
NYU Winthrop Hospital

Endometriosis - Ask the Doctor Series

"The main issue related to endometriosis is to not taking patients' experiences of severe pain seriously, and not providing them with evidenced based information about how best to manage/ treat their symptoms as things currently stand."

Sally King, Founder of

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General Information 
Endometriosis in adolescents
Endometriosis in adults
Postmenopausal endometriosis 
Information for healthcare providers





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Around the same time every month, when I’d be bedridden, my dad would palpate my stomach and would ask me what I had eaten the day before that may have caused the nausea, vomiting, and pain. I was furious. I wanted to scream at him that it was my period; that it was because someone was taking a chain saw and drilling it through a third of my body. But that third consisted of body parts that my mom, my teachers, and my friends had ingrained in me as unspeakable because others had ingrained this same shame in their minds for years. 

 - Kanwal Ojha - 

I wanted so badly to believe these doctors. I wanted nothing more than to say, “I just get bad periods, and sometimes a cyst.” But it’s more than just that. I was dealing with something that was affecting me physically and emotionally, making me feel sick but not look sick, and affecting every aspect of my life.

She said she had never seen someone bleed so much with their cycle. I said, “I’m not on my cycle, this just happened.” She looked at me like I was an idiot. “I think you’re wrong, and not tracking your cycle.” I was shocked. She told me with a straight face that I did not know my own damn body. 

 - Eileen Hedger - 

As a woman of color presenting pelvic pain in the emergency room, I felt devalued by the health system. I was always met with doubt when describing the intensity of my pain. Given the severity of my discomfort, I would rate my pain 10/10 and was told by an ER nurse: “oh 10/10 would be like me stabbing you.” Sometimes my skin color and origins were questioned. I was told that “girls like me” are too sensitive and extreme when it comes to pain complaints by a consulting doctor in the ER who accused me of abusing the system. 

 - Aditee Kissoon - 

For more stories and information, visit here

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